jeudi 11 octobre 2018


Il bloque les actions trophiques des estrogènes sans posséder une quelconque activité agoniste partielle (de type estrogène). Le fulvestrant est excrété dans le lait de rates qui allaitent. Son action prévient la croissance des types de. Informez votre médecin ou votre pharmacien si vous prenez, avez récemment pris ou pourriez prendre tout autre médicament.

FULVESTRANT SANDOZ n’est pas indiqué chez les enfants et les adolescents en-dessous de ans.

More About Fulvestrant. Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary - Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug. Fulvestrant is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer. Votre médecin ou une infirmière vous administrera Faslodex en injection intramusculaire lente, une dans chaque fesse.

A pharmaceutical formulation comprising fulvestrant in a ricinoleate vehicle, a pharmaceutically acceptable non-aqueous ester solvent, and a pharmaceutically acceptable alcohol wherein the formulation is adapted for intramuscular administration and attaining a therapeutically significant blood plasma fulvestrant concentration for at least weeks. A comparative study in 4women with advanced disease demonstrated similar efficacy in patients treated with fulvestrant as with the aromatase inhibitor. Most types of breast cancer are stimulated to grow when the hormone oestrogen attaches to targets (receptors) on cancer cells.

The active substance in Faslodex, fulvestrant , is an anti-oestrogen.

It blocks the receptors for oestrogen on cells and causes the number of oestrogen receptors to fall. As a result, the cancer cells are not stimulated. FASLODEX ( fulvestrant ) is unlikely to impair the ability of patients to drive or operate machinery. However, during treatment with FASLODEX, asthenia has been reporte and caution should be observed by those patients who experience this symptom when driving or operating machinery. The combination could be considered as a therapeutic option for patients with recurrent hormone-receptor-positive, HER2.

The recommended dose is 2mg administered intramuscularly (buttock) per month, as either a single mL injection or two 2. Vanwege de structurele gelijkenis tussen fulvestrant en oestradiol kunnen estradioltesten een vals-hogere estradiolwaarde opleveren. Competitieve oestrogeenreceptorantagonist zonder oestrogene werking, met een affiniteit vergelijkbaar met die van estradiol. Accès à la fiche Vidal de la famille de ces médicaments. Il est ainsi une ressource essentielle en dernier ressort quand les autres traitements sont devenus insuffisants. It reduces dimerization and nuclear localization of the estrogen receptor (ER).

Read more about the dosing and administration of FASLODEX, a treatment option for HR-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer. Five of the studies tested fulvestrant in the second-line or more setting, meaning after the women had progressed on a prior initial treatment for advanced disease. Two studies examined fulvestrant in combination with anastrozole against anastrozole alone, and the other seven studies compared fulvestrant alone with other comparator drugs. Labeler Name: Actavis Pharma, Inc.

FASLODEX is a prescription medicine used to treat women with HR-positive, HER2-negative advanced breast cancer or breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic), in combination with palbociclib or abemaciclib in women whose disease has progressed after endocrine therapy. Breast cancer cells need the hormone estrogen in order to grow.

What is this drug used for? It is used to treat breast cancer. This drug may be used with other drugs to treat your health condition. If you are also taking other drugs, talk with your doctor about the risks and side effects that may happen. Clomifène : utilisé dans l’infertilité chez la femme anovulatoire.

Historiquement, l es ligands des ER ont été classés par leurs effets, soit comme agonistes, soit antagonistes des Oestrogènes. En réalité, il semble que. Résumé des caractéristiques du produit du fulvestrant. On a recours au fulvestrant pour traiter les femmes postménopausées dont le cancer du sein s’est développé après un traitement au tamoxifène.

On l’administre également aux femmes postménopausées atteintes d’un cancer du sein localement avancé ou métastatique qui n’a jamais été traité par hormonothérapie. Inoltre, entrambe queste terapie sono efficaci dopo il trattamento con il fulvestrant. Ciò significa che può essere.

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